[#30DWC: Day 30] Supernova

Day 30 - Supernova
by hvnlysprng

maybe we can take death to go to the star

"Apa yang akan terjadi jika aku mati?"

"Entahlah, aku belum pernah mati."

Karena jawaban itu terdengar tidak memuaskan (dan lawan bicaranya jelas terlihat tidak puas), Spica berusaha memikirkan hal lain. "Ada banyak cara untuk mati. Aku bukan peramal, aku tidak bisa memprediksi kematianmu. Siapa tahu kau cuma akan meledakー?"

"Tepat," ujar Arcturus tiba-tiba, menimbulkan kerutan di dahi Spica yang sedikit tidak terima kalimatnya dipotong. "Supernova," lanjutnya.

"Jangan sok dramatis, Arcturus. Kau mungkin hanya akan bertransformasi menjadi Nebula Planeter."

Tapi Arcturus hanya bergeming, atensinya ditujukan ke arah yang berlawanan dengan Spicaーlurus ke selatan Sabuk Orion. Sulit untuk menentukan apakah dia hanya ingin menghindari kontak mata atau komentar Spica mendorongnya untuk segera memandang Nebula Orion.

Spica menghela napas. "Lagipula, kenapa kau sebegitu ingin mati?"

"Bintang juga ditakdirkan untuk mati," jawab Arcturus, suaranya tercekat. "Setiap detik, entah di konstelasi mana, terjadi supernova yang mengakhiri hidup seorang bintang. Detik demi detik, mereka meledakkan sinar terakhir, seperti kembang api yang bersahut-sahutan."

Ada sebuah jeda yang mengganggu. Meski tanpa mengalihkan pandangan, Spica masih bisa melihat manik kemerahan Arcturus yang berkabut, bagai memantulkan awan nebula.

Atau bayangan dari kematiannya.

"Tidakkah kau pikir itu indah?" tanya Arcturus, kini menatap netra Spica lekat-lekat. "Bisa kau bayangkan kematian seindah itu?"

Week ago, I went to an Observatory and watch the star much carefully than all the other nights before. I saw blue radiant of Spica and Regulus through a telescope, got really overwhelmed I couldn't stop thinking about it until now. Yesterday, I watched Loving Vincent (2017), it was really great. A quote from Vincent's last letter before he died just got me into another level,

I love writing. It's my only way to express myself properly. I've been experiencing several anxiety attacks for these past few days. It feels bad, I locked myself in my room, I have to study for an exam but I can't, I didn't open my twt account like usual, it's horrible. No one knows about this. I don't think anyone would know. So, if you're accidentally reading this, you could be the first.

My project finally come to an end. It was really nice to write all of these 30 stories. Glad to see people enjoying it. There's so much thing I want to say but I just can't, so my writing technically represent it. Tell me if you get something from my works. Don't worry, I'll write even more in the future.

Your loving,
heavenly spring
